Lab in a Cabinet – QC in a Small Space

PharmaLab Pre-Conference Workshop on 25 November 2024

Background & Objectives

Point-of-care medicine is an important part in ATMP regimes, stretching to decentralized manufacturing in hospital settings. While automated, closed systems for cell therapy manufacture are available, this does not hold true for QC methods. However, space for a QC lab is often limited, and a hospital or clinical trial site does not always have lab staff trained on high-end methods. We do therefore see the need for a suite of automated and miniaturized QC methods with autonomous data evaluation and result assessment of cell therapy products. In this workshop, we bring together cell-therapy developers, lab equipment companies, regulatory experts, subject matter experts and users to discuss the needs and a way to address them.

Download the complete programme as PDF

Looking for a more detailed programme of this conference? Click on the image to download the complete conference programme as PDF.

